Monday, August 20, 2018

The most disturbing lies of the prosperity gospel

The #1 and #2 reason the prosperity gospel is false

Here it is: 
#1 If it cannot be preached around the world as truth, it is false!!!

#2 The Bible doesn't teach it! (But we want it to be true so we twist God's word to line up with our selfish desires)

#1  If it cannot be preached around the world as truth, it is false!!!
The Bible teaches us to go out in the world and preach the gospel. 
The prosperity gospel is a false gospel. It is a lie from Hell.

How do we go to countries that are poor and preach the prosperity gospel? If a women is trying to feed her family on a day to day basis, are we really going to tell her she doesn't have enough faith and that is why her children are hungry? If children are dying by the thousands from preventable diseases, do the people need to hear that God wants them to be rich? 
If people have to travel miles on foot everyday to get their water, do they want to be taught that God blesses people in the U.S. with multiple cars!!!??? How about that bigger house that God "blessed" you with? The people in the dirt huts can really use that Biblical knowledge (sarcasm!)!!!!

Did you know that in China Christians meet in underground churches? If they are found out, they will be imprisoned, beaten, or killed. Christians meet late at night so as not to be seen. They may only have one or two Bibles. Do they need Joel Osteen to tell them to have their best life now?

Check out Open doors USA to learn about and pray for persecuted Christians throughout the world.

In many countries, the Bible is illegal, burned, or banished. Believers are beaten, imprisoned, and murdered.

According to genocidewatch, Nigeria is a killing field for Christians. 350 Nigerian Christians were massacred in the first two months of 2020. Over 11,500 Christians have been murdered since June 2015. Four to five million Christians are displaced. 2000 churches were destroyed.

There are hundreds of more resources on the internet- I urge you to learn more!

#2 The Bible doesn't teach it! (But we want it to be true so we twist God's word to line up with our selfish desires)

Everyone in America has heard it and seen the books displayed in the stores: How to live your best life now! God wants you to be rich, healthy, comfortable and enjoy all the pleasures this world has to offer! American Christians are loving this false gospel and flock to churches that teach it. It says you can have Jesus, Heaven, and all the pleasures of the world. The prosperity gospel is a lie. It feeds to our selfish desires.
Satan is the ruler of this world and the prosperity gospel makes his job very easy.

I often ask this question- If the church buildings with the comfy pews, air conditioning/ heat were gone. And all we had was our bibles. Church met outside in the cold or the heat. With the flies. Uncomfortable. Who would show up? How many would come? This would be the way to separate the sheep from the wolves. Would you go? 

Jesus had nowhere to lay his head. Jesus walked in sandals. Jesus never talked about earthly goods as a blessing from the kingdom. Jesus wasn’t concerned about your possessions. He is only concerned with your soul.

The Bible instructs us to lay up treasures in heaven, not on this earth. Matthew 6: 19-24 states "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

I am extremely guilty of laying up treasures on earth. I want the nicest treasures this world has to offer. I work hard for money in order to buy these treasures. I don't know what treasures on this earth that you store up. They may be different from mine. But I urge you to look at your life and examine it. What are your wants in life- is it to wear the designer clothes and carry the designer bags? Maybe Coach or Louis Vuitton? I know I love Tory Burch handbags and shoes. Her brand is expensive and just like other designer goods, we buy them and carry them to because deep down we want to express our wealth and show our standing in society. No one can argue otherwise because theses assets are not needs. They are pleasures and they indicate where we store our treasures. They expose our hearts. We love getting dressed for church in our nice clothes, wearing our expensive shoes, best jewelry and carrying our showy handbags. Why do we feel like all that is necessary, especially at church?
The Bible says that we aren't to worship in costly attire, stand out jewelry and perfectly polished clothing. That is not to say we aren't to dress appropriately in clothing that honors God, of course.
In 1 Timothy 2: 9 it is stated "that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pears or costly attire." It is common for women to wear more of the costly attire and accessories to church. We may even overdo our jewelry. I have a ring that I only wear on Sundays. It is a nice ring that is too large to be comfortable during the week and my work on computers. How materialistic is that?
We are supposed to be welcoming to outsiders in our places of worship. We are to welcome the poor, the dirty, the unwanted. How can we be welcoming when we present ourselves as higher class? I know most would deny that they do this. I urge you to look at the surrounding churches in your area. The multi-million dollar buildings filled with the best dressed people with their expensive jewels, and of course you can't forget the parking lots. Most church parking lots have vehicles worth more money than most people make in years. How do we rationalize this? I rationalize my expensive SUV as a "need" for work and a "need" to drive around and fit numerous children in my vehicle. But why do we have to buy the flashy cars? Why do we as Christians want to show our wealth in our church parking lots? Why do we feel that expensive cars are necessary when they are not. I could have easily bought a used SUV without as much bling or that was not as flashy. I rationalize that I need a brand new SUV so that I can drive it for ten years. There is nothing inherently evil about that, but Christians aren't showing their beliefs when they drive in these cars. They are showing their selfishness. It is the opposite of what Jesus teaches. We are to be selfless. We are to use our wealth for the kingdom of God, not for our personal kingdoms on earth. We put our self indulgence on display for all to see. I write this and I know it is true. I have come a long way in fighting these desires, but I have a long road ahead. I am guilty and I know it. I have to learn to pray more often and to ask myself if these material assets are giving God glory.

"The only way you can have your best life now is if you are going to hell when you die." Voddie Baucham